
CE06015 List of Groups

“#” denotes registered reviewers for group projects as of November 8, 2015.

  • Group 1: 史平文、苏弘文、李瑾#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 3-8.
  • Group 2: 胡露瑶、陈萃婷、李鹿, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 9-14.
  • Group 3: 朱保全、范炳伟、陈鹏、刘丹阳#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 15-22,
  • Group 4: 宝丽梅、王亚平、刘诗佳, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 23-27.
  • Group 5: 杨义凡#、苏天鹏、王越, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 28-36.
  • Group 6: 刘晏冰、翟语佳、张璐, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 37-43.
  • Group 7: 彭金炎、李峥#、王亦爽#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 44-51.
  • Group 8: 钱永嘉、李婷、王子阳, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 52-55.
  • Group 9: 徐博文#、张嘉俊、唐靖, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 56-61.
  • Group 10: 林东、邓诗凡、李惟静, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 62-67.
  • Group 11: 唐海峰、杨昊、虞都, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 68-71.
  • Group 12: 刘琪伟、陈颖童、王林海, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 72-75.
  • Group 13: 龙皓、李旭鹏、李宇泽#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 76-80.
  • Group 14: 廖戈冕、朱洁萍、章国梁、潘毅帅#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 81-87.
  • Group 15: 赵熙、蒋文杰、边继踊, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 88-93.
  • Group 16: 冒亭菲、林慧萍、武齐毅, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 94-97.
  • Group 17: 赵迪、柏星安、张宇超#, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 98-103.
  • Group 18: 王子君#、黄宽#、刘琦玉、刘剑青, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 104-110.
  • Group 19: 王静、王紫菊、罗家键, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 111-119.
  • Group 20: 米家俊、蒋达宁、关立中, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 120-126.
  • Group 21: 吕茂生、张晓宇、姚彬, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 127-131.
  • Group 22: 顾正阳#、王顺义、黄武毅、周安顺, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 132-137.
  • Group 23: 刘元清、张宝林#、熊文、谭智林, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 138-145.
  • Group 24: 曹丽娟、夏樱, J WWEA-HNU, 2015, 1, 146-151.

CE06015 term papers have been published in the first issue of Journal of Water and Wastewater Engineering Association – HNU. The volume number and page numbers of each article have been updated on this page. Click here to download the full PDF version of Vol 1, Issue 1.

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